About the Creator
My name is Tanya and I while I was born here on the beautiful island of Australia; my family descends from a very tiny island in the Mediterranean called Malta.
I have always been fascinated with exploring nature. Forever exploring my own nature and the natural world, especially curious about the place of intersection between the two.
Yoga, meditation, Indigenous Lore, Stone medicine, Shamanism and Magic have stewarded me along this curious and explorative path.
Indigenous Lore and Shamanism have had a profound impact on my life. Six years in, the ‘veil of illusion’ is continually being lifted. A primal awakening has taken place. The way I perceive the world and my place in it has completely changed, the shift so dramatic, I feel like have been reborn. Probably more accurately described as a re-membering and coming home.
A long time ago, I had the realisation that the man made construct had a numbing effect on me. Poverty, hunger, climate change, pollution, unequal distribution of resources, money, racism, the dysfunctional nature of it all was truly unbearable. My heart in constant pain, depression plagued me.
On the flip side nature was always a refuge, beauty and miracles at every turn and in this simple observation was born the epiphany.
I realised that by design my body is created to read and engage the vibrations and frequency of the natural world. It is these codes, this language of nature that we are meant to be immersed. As part of the natural ecosystem, we need to take our rightful place in it. It is a complex system, transacting many complex exchanges, so complex I do not think we can even begin to understand the implication of one on the other.
I have always been fascinated with exploring nature. Forever exploring my own nature and the natural world, especially curious about the place of intersection between the two.
Our current construct places us outside of this and so it is not hard to see why dysfunction arises everywhere. We essentially lose connection to the world around us and the essence of who we are.
Indigenous Lore and Shamanism are bringing me back home to my primal self, it has taught me that all things are alive and conscious and that all things speak. We come into the world knowing this but the man made system we inhabit does not foster this as we develop, in fact it does the very opposite.
Clairsentience and claircognizant are how I intuit what spirit is saying. Clairsentience is understanding through the feeling body. Claircognizant is understanding through ‘knowing’.
I feel blessed to be able to re-learn this way of being, to weave it through my work and to share it with you.
Thank you for stopping by, I hope you like what you find here. It has been made with love and the purest of intention.
Finally, I would like to acknowledge my teachers seen and unseen, known and unknown. The plant, stone and celestial beings involved in this project. Sharon Bolt from Shamanic Energy Training, Vicky Dean from Circalore Shamanic Mask, Gabriella Ming from Soul Blossom, Sarah Thomas from Upper Clairty School and the Dragons.
Without their wisdom, their guidance and their dedication to this path, none of this would be possible.
With Love and blessings to your sacred self.
X Tanya